The new year started with the knowledge that I would once again be getting laid off. I had been laid off the previous two winters, but this time it was a little different! This time I had been offered the opportunity to move temporarily to North Dakota. RSC had just opened a new store in the Bakken Oilfields of North Dakota. I knew nothing about the oil industry, I just knew I did not want to be laid off another winter when we were already struggling financially. We had a decision to make, and it wasn't very hard, but it had to be made. Obviously we made the decision to send me out west to check out Williston North Dakota. The hardest part was knowing we would have to give up our house of 6 years, and Ruth would have to move in with my parents(ouch). LOL.
As well as giving up everything we knew, I also had to buy a new vehicle, as we had nothing that was North Dakota worthy. This was also very hard to do because we really did not have the income to support a new purchase. But, it was all part of the overall gamble. Ruth and I were tired of always making it work, and wanted to take a chance to better our lives.
The next thing you know, I am standing next to my loaded up new truck, balling my eyes out. I was about to make a drastic lifestyle change, and it scared the hell out of me. I was about to drive 16 hours to a place I have never been, to work at a place I have never seen, with people I have never met. Only weeks before this I was working like normal, living my life and doing whatever we did. All of a sudden our lives had taken a complete 180 degree turn. I was about to drive away from the love of my life, not knowing when I would see her next.
The rest is history, we now know it was one of the smartest decisions we have ever made. It was a risk, but we had no other choice, there was no-where else to turn. Almost a full year later we look back and wonder how we got here, how our lives brought us here. One year ago we had no idea what was about to hit us.
Honestly, I must thank the company I work for, and the awesome people above me. To have such a great job in such an insane area is so fun. Without the help and support from them this would have never happened. To have them provide housing was crucial, and I will never take for granted what is being supplied to us. I thank you, Ruth thanks you, and our soon to be family thanks you!
After getting to North Dakota in January, the rest was all just details. Ruth moves up in April, a few visits from family, a few trips home, and you have a complete year. Oh yeah, and that little detail about us having a beautiful baby girl on her way in 2012.
What a year!!
On to 2012...lets see where that year takes us!
Here are a few images of our 2011.
The journey begins...taken about 20 minutes before I left.
My new home away from home. No longer here, but it was a great place to have when I moved up.
I met some of the greatest people, great co-workers, great friends.
Working at one of the busiest RSC's in the nation...also with one of the smallest buildings. My office, was also the shop on some days.
We were here for one of the wettest springs in northwester North Dakota history. Lots of flooding, we got to see one of the four times since it was built that the spillway at the Fort Peck Dam was ever used.
See, I told you it was a wet spring. Stuck in the yard!
The Stobbs come to Visit the Stobbs.
The Franks come to visit the Stobbs
A great halfway visit with friends and family
Of course we had to come home for Thanksgiving, and deer camp
Yeah Yeah...there's thirty candles in that cake!
The first time we met our daughter.
I sure hope she looks like her mother!
Our nice new warm place to ring in the new year
Happy New Year from the Stobb Family!!